Friday 2 March 2012

Introduction and Today's Progress

This is my first blog entry so I am just going to talk about what I am working on at the moment and what is planned for the next couple of weeks. 
I have just finished a 2 week work placement working on the TV show Merlin, I really enjoyed it there and it was a great experience. 
Now I am working on my final major project for my third and final year of my degree. I have chose to make two costumes from the film Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (1953). I will be making the red and pink dress that Marilyn Monroe wore for 2 show piece numbers in the film. I am imagining that I am constructing the costumes for a modern day remake of the film.

So this is where I am up to so far...
I have chosen my model and started my underwear patterns for both dresses. 
Today I have been working on the pink dress and I have been constructing the corset for the dress to be backed on to. 

I had to start with making cone bust shapes which may look funny but they give a great shape...

I used calico to mould my corset shape to the stand to get the shape I wanted. I used this to to cut pattern pieces to make a toile...

And I made up a toile from the pattern pieces and this is what I ended up with...

I am happy with my progress today but there is still a long way to go. Next step is to to cut the pink dress on top of this corset...

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